Reflection for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

The wise person is always prepared for the coming of our Lord!Reading I: Wisdom 6:12-16
Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
GOSPEL: Matthew 25:1-13

Make the Wise Choice!

In today’s fast-paced, work-a-day world, it’s far too easy to get caught up in the minutiae of our secular lives and forget about our spiritual lives. The commitments come one after the other, our families are scattered about doing different activities, and there always seems to be more month at the end of the money. And yet the wise person doesn’t dwell on these things. Our readings this weekend show us that the wise person trusts in the Resurrection and is always prepared for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Experience Doesn’t Equal Wisdom

It’s a common belief that wisdom comes with age, but that’s more myth than reality. Neither age nor experience automatically makes one wise. Older people can be as foolish (or more so) than their younger counterparts. The reading from the Hebrew Scriptures says that “[wisdom] is readily perceived by those who love her, and found by those who seek her.”

I once worked with a gentleman who bragged of the fact that he had 30 years of experience. Unfortunately, he hadn’t gained much wisdom at all during those years. In fact, his career would be more accurately summed up by saying that he had 1 year of experience 30 times, because he didn’t learn anything new after his first 12 months on the job.

Trust is Sometimes Hard to Maintain

When our lives are tough and things aren’t going the way we’d like, it can be difficult to keep our faith in God. Life can be so hard that we begin to doubt whether God cares… or if he’s even there. And let’s face it – believing in the Resurrection takes a huge leap of faith under the best of circumstances.

Perhaps that’s where our wisdom comes into play. If we are wise enough, we realize that Jesus did truly die for us and was resurrected into new life with the Father; new life that we are able to share if we’re wise enough to believe – and if we’re prepared!

Be Prepared!

We don’t want to be like the five virgins who brought no extra oil for their lamps. We don’t want to be out searching for something we should already have when the gates to heaven are closed. We don’t want to be caught spiritually “napping” when the bridegroom comes a calling.

If we are wise, we’ll not only believe in the Resurrection and the promise of new life, but we’ll live our lives according to those beliefs. It won’t be easy, especially when we’re bombarded with all of the details of our daily lives. But if we stick to it and make the extra effort, we will be rewarded in the next life. And that’s a wise choice!

Life Applications:

When did you make a wise choice? A foolish one?
Why do you trust in the Resurrection?
How have you prepared yourself for the coming of the Lord?

Original article Brandon Jubar, 2005 – 2020.

Creative Commons License

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