31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C)

Image of a drop of dew on a blade of grassReading I: Wisdom 11:22-12:2
Reading II: 2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2
GOSPEL: Luke 19:1-10

Hangin’ with Sinners

This world can be a depressing place. All we seem to hear is that the economy is bad, the evil “others” are out there, big business is crooked, and the government is in its back pocket. It’s as if the skies are perpetually gray and likely to fall at any moment.

With all the negativity out there, it becomes extremely difficult to remember that God created everything and everyone. And Jesus, the Son, seems to prefer the most imperfect among us!

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that God made each and every one of us, and that He loves us all as well. I try to be a good person, but I’m nowhere near perfect, and I sometimes do bad things. In fact, I can be a downright ugly person. And it’s during those times – the times that I am feeling terrible about myself and am in need of God’s grace – that I have the most difficulty believing I am worthy of anything from our Lord.

You see, when I get caught up in my day-to-day activities, it’s as if I put on blinders. I forget about the world around me, except for all the depressing, negative news that becomes so constant it almost seems like ambient noise. Against this backdrop of negativity and apathy, there is little chance of me effectively sharing the Gospel message with others. But I know that God is not satisfied with that explanation.

Modern Day Zacchaeus

I can definitely identify with Zacchaeus, the tax collector in the Gospel this week, as he tries to get a glimpse of Jesus even though he knows he’s not worthy. And I can guess how he must have felt when Jesus told him they would dine together, and the crowds began to murmur. Elation and anxiety are the two words that come to mind.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not a tax collector like Zacchaeus, but there are times when I feel small, insignificant, and so unworthy of God’s grace that I want to simply climb a tree and observe from afar. But Christ has other plans.

Our Lord and Savior isn’t going to walk past me and just leave me to my own devices. Instead, he has invited himself over to dinner – and he’s not going to leave until I’ve agreed to help spread the Good News.

His Imperfect Servant

The TV is still on in the background – the talking heads telling me who’s wrong and why – but now I do something different. Now I sit in front of my computer each week, writing articles and sending them out to anyone who’ll read them. I lead a webinar on Scripture every week, and publish the audio as a podcast, offering the Gospel message to anyone who wants to watch or listen.

These efforts aren’t perfect. Not all of my reflections, webinars, and podcasts are exceptional. They are the product of a sinner who is striving to do the Lord’s work. But with the help of the Spirit, sometimes the message reaches people who need to hear it. It’s an imperfect effort, but I will continue to try.

And Jesus, the Son of God, is probably fine with that. After all, he seems to prefer the most imperfect of us!

Life Applications:

What do you think that God thinks of you?
What do you think God is calling you to do?
What would you do if you had been Zacchaeus?

Check out the REAL Word Podcast for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C):

Original article by Brandon Jubar, 2004-2022.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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