28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C)

Image of a cross, with a cloudy sky behindReading I: 2 Kings 5:14-17
Reading II: 2 Timothy 2:8-13
GOSPEL: Luke 17:11-19

Confessions Of A Music Snob

My name is Jacki, and I am a music snob. I like to listen to bands that no one has ever heard of and brag about how “ahead of the curve” I am. As soon as a band I’ve been listening to gets any play on the radio, or jumps up the streaming charts, I dump them. I accuse them of selling out. I say that the (non-music snob) people who listen to them now just don’t get it, and don’t deserve to hear this band.

It’s lucky for us all that Jesus didn’t have the same attitude in his ministry!

In with the Out Crowd

In the Gospel reading this weekend, Jesus heals ten lepers. Nine of them go on their way, but one stays on to thank him. This one leper is a Samaritan. If you remember the story of the Good Samaritan, then you’ll recall that Jews and Samaritans didn’t think very highly of each other.

But this one man, seemingly “unworthy” of the message, is the one who really understands and appreciates it. The people who were supposed to get it, didn’t. God freely gives grace to all of us, and it’s up to us to choose to accept it and decide what to do with it. A lot of times, I am one of those other nine lepers, living my life oblivious to the grace of God, and also oblivious to the good music my former favorite band is now making.

Don’t Be “That Guy”

God’s love is for all of us, throughout the world. And sometimes, the people we least expect to “get it” are the ones who understand it the most! It’s the same way for me in the world of music. There are a lot of people out there loving the music I’ve now rejected. And in a way, by rejecting that music, I’ve rejected them too.

Music is one thing, but I work a lot harder not to be a faith snob – and it’s actually a lot more work. You see, I can be the guy who lets others hear the message. And I can be the guy who says “thanks” to God. But I can also be the guy who takes grace for granted. And in my favorite line from one of my favorite movies, “Don’t be that guy.”

And if you’d like to hear some great music, you may all raid my old CD collection anytime!

Life Applications:

How do you take your faith for granted?
How do you pass it on for others to enjoy?
Which is easier for you?

Check out the REAL Word Podcast for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C):

Original article by Jacki Popadich, 2004-2022.
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