Reflection for the 6th Sunday of Easter (Cycle C)

Image of a cross with the sun rising behind it.Reading I: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29
Reading II: Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23
GOSPEL: John 14:23-29

God’s Peace

Even though I spend a great deal of time reflecting (and writing) about sacred scripture, it’s easy to forget some of the basic lessons that Jesus teaches us. In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus talks of a peace that has nothing to do with an absence of war or a quiet moment away from the hectic rat race we call life. The peace that Jesus leaves with us is something much greater than anything on earth.

Our Hectic Lives

Every day we’re faced with schedules, deadlines, appointments and dozens of other things that make us scurry frantically from place to place. It’s no wonder that our definition of peace is nothing more than a quiet moment where no one can find us. Our lives are so packed that the mere lack of an immediate demand is significant.

In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you.” (John 14:27)

At first glance, this can seem a bit cryptic, but it’s really a rather simple concept. Jesus doesn’t bring us a peace that can be gotten elsewhere. Jesus gives us a peace that comes from knowing that we can spend eternity with him. And in the meantime, the Holy Spirit will step in and help guide us along the way. There is a feeling of peace inherent in the understanding that Jesus will continue to intervene on our behalf through the Holy Spirit.

Living In Hope

The peace that Jesus gives us is a source of strength and comfort too. It is what allows us to live our lives optimistically, even while life is dishing out our share of challenges. The peace that Jesus gives to us can bolster our confidence and help us overcome adversity. It keeps us from getting too caught-up in the daily grind, and it lets us recognize what is truly important in this life and in the next!

Life Applications:

How would you describe a “feeling of peace”?
What things in your life prevent you from knowing the peace of Christ?
What is truly important to you?

Check out the REAL Word Podcast for the 6th Sunday of Easter (Cycle C):

Original article by Brandon Jubar, 2004-2022.
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