Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Lent (Cycle B)

John 12:24bReading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9
GOSPEL: John 12:20-33

The Greatest Love Story

Why is it that everyone loves a love story? And what is it that draws people to a good love story, even though one of the main characters dies? I think it’s the fact that even most tragic love stories show how love conquers all things… even death. It’s not power or might that overcomes; it’s love. That’s why the Good News is so incredible! Our gospel story is the greatest love story of all!

Written On Your Heart

It’s a love story that began a long, long time ago. It’s a story of a loving and forgiving Creator who continued to care for His people, even after they had broken their covenant with Him. In the reading from Jeremiah, we hear that God forgave the Israelites in spite of the fact they had failed to keep up their end of the bargain. Instead of punishing them, God said, “I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”

As Christians, we understand that God is in us. We understand that we are each an integral part of the Body of Christ on earth. We are the hands and feet of Christ in the world today. And when we share his message – when we share his love – we are his heart in the world as well.

Tragedy and Glory

Our gospel story is the ideal love story. It’s the story of a God who loved us so much that He was willing to sacrifice His only begotten son in order to redeem us from sin. And that son, Jesus Christ, chose us too. Being not only divine but fully human, this was a difficult choice. Jesus said, “I am troubled now. Yet what should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour?’ But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour.”

For our sake, Jesus chose to die a horrible death. He demonstrated his love for us in a way that cannot be doubted. If the gospel were a typical love story, that may have been the ending; but as Christians we know that his crucifixion was only the beginning. Our gospel story doesn’t end in tragedy – it ends in glory!

Share His Story

The love that God has for us is in our hearts, written there by His hand. It’s something that is so much a part of us that we shouldn’t try to hide it. In fact, we should do our best to let it show… to share it with everyone we meet. Everyone loves a love story, so let’s share the greatest love story of all. This Lenten season, let’s share the story of how Jesus laid down his life for our sins. And once Easter has come, let’s spread the Good News that Christ has been lifted up from the earth and will draw everyone to himself when he comes again in glory!

Life Applications:

Why do you think the gospel story is a love story?
How can you tell that God is in your heart?
What can you do to share the gospel story with others?

Check out the REAL Word Podcast for the 5th Sunday in Lent (Cycle B):

Original article by Brandon Jubar, 2006-2021.
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