Let’s RELAX and Lead
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Frequently Asked Questions
What does it mean to be a Relaxed Leader?
Relaxed Leaders have a systematic approach to leadership (e.g. the RELAX Formula) that focuses on setting priorities, creating and empowering team members, and leveraging specific gifts and talents.
Who should consider becoming a Relaxed Leader?
Early- to mid-career folks who (1) are in leadership positions (or want to be leaders), and (2) are ready to learn how to be incredibly successful without burning out should try the RELAX Formula.
What is the RELAX Formula for leadership?
RELAX stands for Review/Reflect, Empower, Leverage, Amplify, and X-Factor. These are the core components needed to build a strong team, lower your stress, and become a Relaxed Leader.
What is NOT associated with being a Relaxed Leader?
A relaxed leader is not a lazy leader who doesn’t stress because he does little work and doesn’t really care. A relaxed leader isn’t a Laissez-faire leader, who gives little guidance and lets the team members do what they want. If this is how you want to lead, you’ve come to the wrong place!