Changing the World through Leadership & Values

What can I help you with?

Success without Stress?
Would you like to be a successful leader without stressing out or burning out?

Finding your Faith?
Are you trying to discover how to authentically live your faith every day and in all situations?

Ministry with Teens?
Do you need better skills (and ideas) for ministering to high school students?

Being a Confirmation Sponsor?
Could you use a crash course on effectively sponsoring a young person for Confirmation?
I’m Brandon, a business leader, youth minister, blogger, podcaster & speaker

Over the years, I’ve discovered that becoming a Relaxed Leader is a great choice for many people – but it’s not about being lazy or taking a Laissez-faire attitude toward leadership. It takes a bit more of a systematic approach if you want to become a Relaxed Leader.
RELAX and Lead

R – Review & Reflect
Keep an eye on your priorities and the effectiveness of your current activities.

E – Empower
Develop team members who understand priorities and achieve results without constant oversight.

L – Leverage
Take advantage of day-to-day situations when effective, focused leadership can dramatically impact team performance and multiply results.

A – Amplify
Promote team members and their ideas, celebrate wins, and have a strong communications plan.

Identify that “special something” only YOU can bring to the team… and BRING IT!

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